Latest News
- 18/11/22
Remembrance Service at St Matthew Academy
"Lest We Forget" At 11.00am on 11th November 2022 the Academy fell silent to remember those who have been lost or affected by war and conflict. Two Remembrance Service's were held which gave staff and pupils the opportunity to reflec...Read Full Story - 18/11/22
What's happening in Year 5 Lion Class?
During mental health week, our Year 5 pupils had the opportunity to meditate and reflect on the positive things about themselves. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and loved hearing each other’s thoughts and feelings. They were very respectful of one another and loved the calm at...Read Full Story - 18/11/22
Staff Inset Day Friday 25th November - Academy closed to all pupils.
The Academy will be closed to pupils on Friday 25th November for a Staff Inset DayRead Full Story
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