Latest News
- 22/12/21
- 21/12/21
- 21/12/21
Primary Christmas Events
Our Primary Christmas events can be viewed by clicking on the links provided - Please sit back and enjoy!Read Full Story - 13/12/21
Pupils break up Friday 17 December 2021
We have reached the end of the Autumn Term, the Academy will break up for Christmas on Friday 17 December 2021. All pupils will be dismissed at 12.00pmRead Full Story - 07/12/21
KS3 Coffee Morning - Postponed
Unfortunately due to the new COVID-19 variant - Omicron we have decided to postpone the KS3 Coffee Morning which was due to be held on Friday 10 December. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.Read Full Story - 03/12/21
- 01/12/21
Maths Visit to The Royal Observatory
Two of our year 7 classes went on a visit recently to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. Joined by Mr Olisa, Miss Hammond, Mr Blakemore and Ms Chen, the pupils had a great time learning about all things space related! One of the sessions ‘Maths in the Milky Way’ included using a formula...Read Full Story
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