Year 2 at The Horniman Museum
Year 2 had a fantastic day at the Horniman Museum on 4th July!
We started with a very interesting workshop in the museum garden to fit in with our IPC topic ‘Greenfingers’. We looked in detail at the trees using magnifying glasses [for the bark], and mirrors to see the canopies. We then collected different kinds of plant material and sorted and classified them, and finished by collecting [wool] caterpillars from the bushes – we realised that the green and brown ones were hardest to find because they were better camouflaged.
Next we went to the outside music areas and experimented with creating different tunes and rhythms on the giant instruments.
Finally, after lunch, we went into the museum. Everyone was amazed to see the ‘real’ [stuffed] animals and we spent lots of time marvelling at them. We were most impressed by the tiger, the flying squirrels and flying fish [we did not know they could fly], and also by the enormous elephant skull.