Year 6 Liturgy

Aspire not to have more, but to be more
Our Year 6 pupils celebrated the end of their time in primary education on Thursday 15th July with a liturgy, led by Mrs Guest in the primary hall. Our Year 6 Light Bearers were invited to read, including Aaron, Minnesota, Taurez and Fodun. They led us in scripture and prayer as we reflected on the words of St Oscar Romero, ‘Aspire not to have more but to me more’.
Together we remembered memories of their time at St Matthew Academy in the primary phase and each pupil was invited to add their name to a photograph of the school. They are the bricks that bring our community together and each was asked to draw or write in words how they have made a difference to our community. It may have been through kindness or through their efforts to fundraise or something completely different. These were gathered together and placed next to a large globe at the centre of our liturgy as a reminder that we are part of a global community.
We prayed for our friends, our families and our teachers, all who have supported us during our time in the primary phase and we prayed that we will continue to look after one another as we move forward into the future at St Matthew Academy in Year 7 or somewhere else.