St Matthew Academy are consulting on our 2021/22 Admissions Policy.

In accordance with the DfE 2014 statutory "School Admission Code" we must consult on our admission arrangements if changes are being proposed, St Matthew Academy are now consulting on our Admission Policy for 2021/22 admission year.

The consultation period will run from Wednesday 20 November 2019 until Wednesday 1 January 2020. Comments on any aspect of these arrangements particularly from parents and carers of children between the ages of 4 and 16 or any other interested party should be sent in writing to the Academy for the attention of The Governing Body C/O Miss Jones - PA to Headteacher or posted to St Matthew Academy, St Joseph's Vale London SE3 0XX by 12.00pm 1 January 2020.

At the end of the consultation period, the Governing Body will meet to consider responses.

Once St Matthew Academy's arrangements for the academic year 2021/22 are determined a copy of the Admission Policy will be published on the Academy website by the 31 January 2020. 

You can download the Admissions consultation letter and draft Admissions policy for the year 2021/22 below.