Internal Assessments Information

Year 7 to 10

Internal assessments are set by the Academy and are used to assess a pupil’s progress in Years 7 -10. All pupils will be formally assessed twice a year in all subjects. These formal assessments are marked, moderated and contribute to the overall current grade that each pupil receives. End-of-topic tests, knowledge quizzes and classwork will also form a percentage of the grade the pupils receive.

Before all formal assessments, pupils are given a revision booklet which will include the following information:

  • The timetable for the assessment period
  • Tips on how to revise
  • Subject revision lists and keywords/terms
  • Revision resources

The booklets are published at least 3 weeks before the assessment week and copies are uploaded on Google Classroom. It is vital pupils use the revision booklet as a guide when completing their revision.

Year 11

Year 11s undertake Mock examinations in December and March in all examined subjects. They also sit formal, regular assessments in English, Maths and Science from October to April. These internal assessments enable the pupils to prepare for their final external examinations in summer and also give teachers an indication of the grades pupils are working at, to initiate impactful intervention strategies.

In more recent post-COVID times, these grades may also be used to determine a pupil’s final GCSE grade if external examinations are cancelled. Please refer to our External examination page for more information.